A Vase of Flowers

You can’t control many of the things that are bothering you, but you can control whether there are flowers on the dinner table or not. That was the recommendation my friend gave me when I told her I felt overwhelmed…

Pride and Purpose

Have you noticed your purpose for doing something can get diluted with prideful feelings for accomplishing it? A simple blog challenge helped me clarify my purpose for writing and separate pride from confidence.

A Worthy Goal

I always feel obliged to ponder my life on New Year’s Eve. Like most people, I look back at what I’ve accomplished in the past year and wonder where I’m headed in the upcoming months.

That brings up unpleasant questions…


Sometimes we receive a gift we’d really rather not have gotten. “You shouldn’t have” we say, smiling with too much sincerity. We’ve all given and received such gifts, but sometimes we forget that we smile at God in this forced way too.

Loving the Lost

Have you experienced a feeling of grief when your Christian friend turned away from faith as she became a teen? Perhaps someone you care about is getting caught up in a lifestyle which conflicts with basic Christian beliefs and you’re not sure how to stay friends without affirming things you know are sinful.