A Visit from Bishop Gerasim

A Visit from Bishop Gerasim

52 Weeks in Orthodoxy

A photo a week from our life in Christ in the Orthodox Church

Last week we had the joy of worshipping with Bishop Gerasim at St. Timothy’s Orthodox Mission in Toccoa, GA. This is not our home parish, but we enjoy visiting this precious community as often as we can. Bishop Gerasim is the administrator of the Diocese of the South, of the Orthodox Church of America. Father Thomas blessed me to take a few photos during and after the presanctified Liturgy.  At the end of the service, as Vladika came out to give his blessing, he gave a big smile, our resurrected Lord gazing upon him from the altar. This seemed fitting as a man of God, devoted monk and leader in the church.  After the service, we had a Lenten meal and he took questions from the congregation. There were just a few questions, so Vladika gave  an interesting overview of what he does in his role as bishop. His visit was a most memorable midpoint of Lent moment.  

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