St. Kuksha of Odessa

What would you do if your home, and the place you served others, was always in flux? Through Nic's art, the life of St. Kuksha, a Ukrainian saint, shows us how such flux can lead to bigger things.


Kh. Faith shares a reflection on what this moment in the Church calendar means to her and what it speaks to us all about our healing and the poetry of God.

Racism and Iconoclasm

There's a temptation when reading about racist incidents to see them as something separate from us, but if we're serious about The Church being a hospital for our souls, we must learn to look for the diseased places that racism exists in our own hearts.

Dirges, Praises, and Doubts

It's extra painful to go through loss or doubt during holidays or seasons of joy. Kh. Faith explores the way that the tensions of pain and joy, and doubt and faith are beautifully modeled for us in the hymns surrounding Pascha.

Wandering Goats

In the lockdown caused by this pandemic  we have opportunities to see what’s really important. Edna encourages us to  notice this now, and cherish these important things  later when we resume our normal lives.