Engage Orthodoxy

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Three Approaches to Church During the Corona Season

I’ve been struggling to write about anything during this Corona time.  The profound cultural changes due to the pandemic have been unexpected, harsh, and fragmenting.  The collapse of our society has my mind in a perpetual funk.  What I might say has already been said and there are others who will say it better.  What can I possibly add to this conversation?  What can I add to help you with your struggle?  

Perhaps, I can share with you something that, in retrospect, has gone well for us this year.  We’ve managed, through all the changes and restrictions to still worship and pray with our family. 

A year ago, you would have laughed at me if I told you that.  However, now you are all too familiar with the problem plaguing us today: Corona restrictions have made attending church challenging.  

Perhaps you’ve even showed up at church only to be met with a clipboard and a question, “Did you RSVP?”  Or, you have someone in your home who is immunocompromised, and you can’t take the risk to attend group situations.  Maybe you’re pregnant and wearing a mask makes you feel lightheaded. There are a million reasons!

We need God right now.  

We can’t give up.

Here are some of the creative ways we have approached this challenging time.   

I’m sure there are many other approaches to church-going when times are challenging as they’ve been.  With a bit of creativity and willingness, you can still worship and keep the ever-important faith routines, even during a complete economic and societal shutdown. I’m glad we made the effort as these have been memorable times with our family and friends. 

I bet you’ve experienced a creative approach to worship during this Corona Season.  If so, I would love to hear from you in the comments section.